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Our core values are the key driving beliefs that help to define who we are and they help to distinguish our ministry from others.  BTCC is committed to these values and desire that all who embrace the vision embrace the values and principles also. 

God’s Word
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority in matters of faith and we believe that God has revealed His will for us in His Word.  (John 1:1, II Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17)

The Trinity
As believers, we are centered around God the Father, founded on God the Son, and led by God the Spirit.  (John 14:26; 15:26, Gal. 4:4-6, Eph. 2:18)

Salvation by Grace
Our salvation is a gift of God’s kindness that we have done nothing to deserve.  We receive that gift by repenting, believing and confessing our faith.  (Eph. 2:4-8)

Prayer is the means by which we interact and deepen our relationship with God.  Prayer is a conduit through which the Spirit moves and it is a major focus of our church.  (II Chron. 7:14, James 5:15, Col. 4:2)

Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Our love for God and His Word cause us to obey his commands concerning baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  (Mat. 26:26-29; 28:18-20)

The Holy Ghost / Spirit
We believe in the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost which allows us to live Christ-centered lives.  We welcome the moving of the Holy Spirit and we believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for every believer and for the perfecting of the Church.  (Acts 1:8; 2:4, I Corin. 12, Eph. 4:11-13)

Praise and Worship
Because He has redeemed us, we are indebted to Him.  Our experience of His grace causes us to respond with unrestricted devotion and passionate praise and worship.  (I Chron. 16:29, Rom. 12:1, Phil. 3:3)

God’s Church
We believe that the extension of the Kingdom of God is the function and ministry of the Church.  Our primary purpose is to bring the lost to Christ.
(Matthew 16:18, Acts 5:14)

Healthy Relationships
We seek to strengthen the relationships within the Body of Christ so that God’s people will support each other and minister to each other.  We promote and believe in strong and healthy marriages between a man and a woman, healthy families, and healthy friendships.  Our goal is to love and accept one another unconditionally. (Gen. 2:21-24, Matthew 19:1-9, Acts 2:44-47, I Corin. 12:12-27)

Generous Giving
BTCC is committed to the giving of tithes and offerings.  We believe that God wants us to be faithful stewards over all that we have.  If we sow bountifully, we will also reap bountifully.  (Mal. 3, II Corin. 9:6-8)

Integrity defines how BTCC will operate and function and it speaks to the very character of God.  Integrity, trustworthiness and transparency are values that speak to who we are.  (Psalms 26:1, Prov. 20:7, Titus 2:7)

Evangelism and Missions
God has given the church the task of making disciples of all nations.  We encourage the BTCC family to share their faith with others.  Our ministries will meet the needs of the unsaved so that they will become open to the Gospel.  We support missionaries and other organizations that promote the spreading of the Gospel around the world.  (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)

Our Values: Our Mission


We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only

Infallible written Word of God.  (II Tim. 3:16, I Cor. 2:13, John 1:1)

We believe that there is only One God, eternally

Existent in three persons:  God the Father, God the

Son and, God the Holy Spirit.  (Matt. 28:19, John 14:26, II Cor. 13:13)

We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the

Rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ

at His return.  (I Thes. 4:16-17)

We believe that the only means of being cleansed

from sin is through repentance and faith in the

precious Blood of Jesus Christ.  (Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 5:11)

We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost

is absolutely essential for personal salvation.  (Acts 2:1-4, Gal. 3:14-15)

We believe that the redemptive work of Christ

on the Cross provides healing for the human body

in answer to believing prayer.  (Acts 4:30, Rom. 8:11, James 5:14)

We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit,

according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who

ask for Him.  (Acts 2:1-4, 2:37-38, Gal. 3:14-15)

We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy

Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is

enabled to live a holy and separated life in the

present world.  (Eph. 5:18, I Cor. 6:14; 7:1)

Our Values: Our Values
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